Monday, September 8, 2014


Since moving to Western Colorado I have been fascinated by the farming of hay. If you have never noticed it you should. It is really quite a process. As I was watching my neighbor out working the hay over the past few days God has been talking to me about how the hay is much like my walk with Him.

Let me explain... 

For most of the year the hay is just getting irrigated, is growing and growing and growing. I feel like most of my life and my relationship with God is like that. Water it, read His Word, go to church, pray and grow. 

And then the unthinkable happens... you have spent all this time growing for what? Just to be cut down.
You think... why God? Why now? I was doing so great, growing so well... 

Then you are left out in the field just to lay there and dry out, feeling cut down and useless. You see the tractor coming and think "it's time to be bailed up!" But no, not yet. 

You see there is a purpose in everything the farmer does. The next step is raking the hay. The purpose of this is to stir the cut hay up to dry it out. It may only take one time raking it, it may take multiple times. If the farmer bails the hay while it is still wet it will grow mold. Moldy hay is useless. 

Then, finally it is time to be bailed. Once the hay is dry the farmer once again comes through with the tractor. This time the hay is scooped up, bound up tight and taken away to be used. This bail of hay may be used immediately, chances are there is more waiting though. Somewhere the farmer will pile the hay up to be used through the winter. That may be months away. It may be used by the farmer, or the farmer may sell it and it will be used by somebody else. 

We all have had that time where we have felt like we were growing so well. Then the unexpected happens and you get cut down, left out in the field. And just when you think you can't take it any more, you get stirred up to be dried out more. But know this, you have not been abandoned, your time is coming. You will be bailed up, and you will be useful. And all the while, in the field the root of the hay is still there. Ready to grow some more. What season are you in? Are you growing? Do you feel cut down? Do you think you can't take any more drying out? Maybe you are the bail of hay that has been sitting under the hay shed waiting for months, maybe years to be used? Take heart, your time is coming.... 

"There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next."
~Romans 5:3-4

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Story Time

This blog has been part of my story, my journey, my calling out of Egypt. The promises and faithfulness of a Father, the anxiousness and child-like faith of a believer. I believe that like Mary, in Luke 1:45 I have been blessed because I believed that The Lord would do what He said. 

I have been blessed to see people in my life recently who are beginning to feel the same stirring I felt four years ago... When God began to quietly whisper Jeremiah 29:11 to my heart. "I have something planned for you..." 

It has become clear recently that He gave me this story and this journey for a greater purpose. (I know... I'm a little slow!) God always has another plan! 

Not many people have heard my full story, my calling. The Lord is speaking to me... and much like when he did four years ago it makes me nervous. Just like before, I get one of two reactions when people hear my story for the first time. 
1. You are a total nut job! 
2. That is an incredible God story. 
And it's never predictable! I was surprised when people who I have known forever told me I was crazy for listening to God. 

Lately as I watch my friends being called, I once again hear God speaking to me. "Tell them what I've done for you." "Tell them what I've brought you through."

Maybe it's time... like when the teacher in kindergarten gathers the class up for story time. Jesus wants to gather people up and let them hear His story, in my life. 

Gather around...

But Jesus said, "No, go home to your family, and tell them everything The Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been" ~Mark 5:19 NLT